With Gabrielė Žemaitytė - piano, Lithuania, Sterre Kooi - mezzo-soprano, Netherlands, Rolfe Dauz - baritone, USA

Wednesday, April 19 th 2023, 19:30 h

at The Italian Institute of Culture in Amsterdam

Keizersgracht 564, Amsterdam

The program includes songs and arias by G. Donizetti and G. Puccini, J. Sibelius, M. Biltzstein, E. Grieg, J. Gaižauskas, H. Duparc and R. Schumann, among others...

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FREE LIVESTREAM has been published on De Balie TV, that was recorded and Livestream on Saturday 19 June 2021 and is now awailable HIER

Follow the EUNIC Netherlands website for updates on the event. Find out more @Eunic-Netherlands #European literature night 2021


How should a writer relate to the burning issues of European societies? What courage does Europe need f...

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Thu 16, May 2019, 19:00 - in De Brakke Grond (Nes 45)

Fri 17th, 13:00 - at the OBA (Oosterdokskade 143)

The European Literature Night 2019, on 16 and 17 May will be celebrating the Library, in collaboration with the OBA (Openbare bibliotheek Amsterdam, the Amsterdam Public Library), which marks its 100th anniversary. Twelve writers and poets from all over Europe will talk of librarians and r...

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Wed 16, May 2018, 20:00

Location: Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond,

(Nes 45, Amsterdam)

During the annual EUNIC's European Literature Night authors from across Europe will come together to discuss this year's theme "What time is it?": an evening of stories, poetry and cinema.

Participating authors: Marius Burokas (Lithuania), Jan Carson (United Kingdom), Robert G. Elekes (Romania),...

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