Wed 16, May 2018, 20:00
Location: Vlaams Cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond,
(Nes 45, Amsterdam)
During the annual EUNIC's European Literature Night authors from across Europe will come together to discuss this year's theme "What time is it?": an evening of stories, poetry and cinema.
Participating authors: Marius Burokas (Lithuania), Jan Carson (United Kingdom), Robert G. Elekes (Romania), Kostas Gouliamos (Cyprus), Dana Grigorcea (Switzerland), Mustafa Kör (Flanders, Belgium), Çiler İlhan (Turkey), Svealena Kutschke (Germany), Marije Langelaar (Netherlands), Giorgio Montefoschi (Italy), Jaroslav Rudiš (Czech Republic)
MODERATOR: Guido Snel, writer and lecturer in European Studies at the University of Amsterdam.
In cooperation with THE ONE MINUTES, presenting the video performance THE SAME MOMENT AROUND THE WORLD.
Photo credit: Gediminas Kajėnas
Marius Burokas (1977) is a poet, translator and editor-in-chief of the valued Vilnius Review. Marius is one of the loudest and brightest voices of the younger generation. As a master of paradox, Burokas can both shock and entertain in a single line. His poetry has won a number of awards, including The Young Yotvingian literary prize and has been published in eight other languages. He is an author of 4 books. His recent book "Švaraus buvimo" (Of Clean Being) is published in 2018. His selected poetry book in English “Now I Understand” has recently been published by Parthian Books. Marius Burokas translated poetry of Charles Simic, Walter S. Merwin, William Carlos Williams, Charles Bukowski, Ted Hughes, Alan Ginsberg. Marius is a member of Lithuanian Writers’ Union. He lives in Vilnius.