All over Europe our calendars are punctuated by a sequence of specific National public days: Kūčios, Christmas, Mother’s or Father’s day, Sinterklaas, Banc Holiday and many more.
Do they make us more enthusiastic and committed to our societies or rather make us feel embarrassed about the collective events? Can those days be beneficial for the young people in order to thrive, to practice tolerance and face the challenges of existence?
Students of nine schools all over Europe gave dislplayed their vision and impressions about the National days in their countries in the pnoto exhibition YOUR COUNTRY, YOUR CELEBRATION. The exhibition was opened in Museo delle Civiltà – Museo nazionale delle Arti e Tradizioni popolari in Rome - and after took place in Hungary, Belgium, Italy, Lithuania, Slovenia, The Netherlands, France, UK, Greece, Croatia.
With participation of: Berzsenyi Dániel Gimnázium (Budapest), ISTITUTO TECNICO PER IL TURISMO “C. COLOMBO”(Rome), Christ the King School (The Isle of Wight), RSG Slingerbos |Levant (Harderwijk),Osnovna šola Jarenina (Jarenina), Osnovna škola Brezovica (Brezovica), 2nd Primary school of Mytikas (Mytikas), VBS De Krekel (Roersbrugge).
Reaching Out Through Skype is a multidisciplinary project that connects children with different backgrounds, ages and from different countries. The project aims to inspire children to learn multiple languages and to get in touch with their artistic talent.
With THANKS to all the children and teachers that contributed to the project, shared their knowledge and enthusiasm or were engaged in this on-going adventure.
We thank to Francesco Aquilanti, Leandro Ventura, Francesca Montuori, Chiara Gallerani (IT), Anita Klein (HU), Irene Keizer (NL), Geert Six (BE), Špela Bratuša (SI), Julie Germain (FR), Pauline Stirling (UK), Sandra Prpic (HR), Dimitra Manousou (GR).
Multilingualism – let’s celebrate!
Early October, after thorough preparation and with the support of teachers from different disciplines, the children exchanged their presentations during a series of Skype sessions. The theme of the presentation is different each year. We have seen “My home” (2013), “Friendship” (2014) and “Theatre” (2015). The theme of 2016/2017 is MY FAVOURITE NATIONAL HOLIDAY.
The sound of the native language is just one of the elements of the presentation. Showing interest in the cultures you meet is another element until it reaches its culmination, a "magic moment", when a song, rehearsed in the language of the partner country is performed for each other. It always comes as a surprise.
A creative task
The bridge between the schools has been built and the students are now working on a creative task that will result in an International Children's Photo Exhibition.
The images made by the students on the day of the Public Holiday of their choice or in preparation to it will be collected here until the end of February. The 36 pictures will be selected for the photo exhibition which will be displayed in the Museo delle Civiltà – Museo nazionale delle Arti e Tradizioni popolari in Rome. The exhibition will reach the other participating countries. The students of the I.T.T. C. Colombo (Italy) will be actively involved in the organization of the photo exhibition in Rome.
The project has been initiated and coordinated by Litouws Cultureel Centrum and is performed with the support of The European Commission and the Dutch Lithuanian Culture Centre.