Fri 2, June 2023, 20:00 h

Location: De Balie,

(Kleine-Gartmanplantsoen 10 1017 RR Amsterdam)

Europe has a long tradition of utopian and dystopical novelists. 'Utopia' from the sixteenth century by Thomas More or 'Brave New World' from the twentieth century by Aldous Huxley. But what future do contemporary authors envision? Should literature alert us, congratulate us, or inspire us with hope?...

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With Gabrielė Žemaitytė - piano, Lithuania, Sterre Kooi - mezzo-soprano, Netherlands, Rolfe Dauz - baritone, USA

Wednesday, April 19 th 2023, 19:30 h

at The Italian Institute of Culture in Amsterdam

Keizersgracht 564, Amsterdam

The program includes songs and arias by G. Donizetti and G. Puccini, J. Sibelius, M. Biltzstein, E. Grieg, J. Gaižauskas, H. Duparc and R. Schumann, among others...

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Event information and tickets

Spring concert

With Gabrielė Žemaitytė (piano, Lithuania), Sterre Kooi (mezzo-soprano, Netherlands) and Rolfe Dauz (baritone, USA)

Sunday 16 April 2023, 4:00p.m.

in De Rank (former Wilhelmina church)
Soesterbergsestraat 18 in Soest

The program includes songs and arias by G. Donizetti and G. Puccini, J. Sibelius, M. Biltzstein, E. Grieg, J. Gaiža...

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September 29, from  19:00 to 20:45 OBA Oosterdoc, Oba Café

Also this year the Litouws Cultureel Centrum will be a part of the Speak-dating event, organised by EUNIC Netherlands and the European Commission. This event will take place in the cosy OBA café of The Public library of Amsterdam (Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam). Native speakers of European languages prepare simple face-to-face session...

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Baltic Film Weekend will take place On-line, from Januay 28 to 30, 2022 and will focus on a unique treasure that Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia have to offer – vivid cultural traditions framed by pure and untouched nature with lots of personal space and expression. A delightful mix of influences from east and west, that characterize the people and culture.

Lithuania will be represented by the d...

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